Barcelona’s our home. And yours

Barcelona’s our home. And yours

The campaign shows our pride in the city and asks visitors to take care of it, just as we do.

The new responsible tourism campaign targets tourists to inform them of the coexistence rules governing Barcelona and ask for their respect.

Barcelona City Council has launched a responsible tourism campaign with the slogan Barcelona’s our home. And yours. and the subtitle Everyone is welcome. Be respectful and you’ll be respected. The aim is to send a polite message of respect to tourists visiting the city. Observing the rules of coexistence is necessary to ensure respectful tourism in Barcelona.

The campaign shows our pride in the city and asks visitors to take care of it, just as we do. It also emphasises the need for civility and zero tolerance towards antisocial behaviour that causes a nuisance to the local community.

As Barcelona’s Fourth Deputy Mayor Jordi Valls explained, ‘The campaign focuses on the city, our home, and specifies that everyone is welcome as long as they are respectful of the city and follow basic rules of civic behaviour, coexistence, and good manners.’

Respecting local people’s right to rest, or using litter bins and public transport are some of the messages addressed to tourists and are part of a 10-point guide to raise visitors’ awareness. Another objective and recommendation of the campaign is to use water responsibly and not waste it.

The communication campaign also reinforces Barcelona’s projection nationally and internationally as a reference model of a 21st-century city. It has a budget is around 400,000 euros and can be seen in the places most frequented by tourists, such as the airport, hotels, train stations, buses, municipal markets, and so on.