Centenary celebration for the International Expo of 1929

Centenary celebration for the International Expo of 1929

City Council. A centenary commission is to be set up to drive the commemoration programme.

In anticipation of the centenary celebration for the International Expo of 1929, a commission is to be set up and tasked with launching a programme of commemorative activities and initiatives, open to the general public and renewing the city’s values as a capital for innovation and modernity. The commission will be made up of 12 representatives from the City Council, the Government of Catalonia and Fira Barcelona, working in coordination with cultural institutions, companies and the local community.

The body will also promote and monitor the remodelling project for the Montjuïc site, which will modernise the facilities and combine fair activity with other citizen uses relating to culture, housing, mobility and green areas.

Four architectural competitions will be launched in the spring of 2024, to include:

  • the construction of a new congress hall at the Pavelló Alfons XIII
  • the creation of a large modern multi-purpose hall at the current Palau de Congressos and part of Plaça Univers
  • the renovation of Hall 1
  • the remodelling in two parts of the current Hall 8, made up of the Palau de la Metal·lúrgia and the Palau del Vestit.

The company Fira 2000, in which various institutions participate, will be investing 174 million euros in this process, which contemplates the conservation of historical listed buildings within the parameters of efficiency, digitalisation and sustainability and the conversion of Av. Reina Maria Cristina into a public space conceived for pedestrian use and public transport.

Members of the commission

The centenary commission will be made up of:

From the City Council, the Mayor, Jaume Collboni; the First Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Area of Urban Planning, Ecological Transition, Urban Services and Housing, Laia Bonet, the Fourth Deputy Mayor and Councillor for the Area of Economy, Tax, Economic Promotion and Tourism, Jordi Valls, and the Councillor for the District of Sants-Montjuïc, Raquel Gil.

For the Government of Catalonia, the Minister for Business and Work, Roger Torrent i Ramió, the Minister for Economy and Tax, Natàlia Mas Guix, the Minister for Territory, Ester Capella i Farré, and the Minister for Culture, Natàlia Garrica Ibáñez.

For Fira de Barcelona, the chair of the executive board for Fira de Barcelona, Pau Relat, Pedro Fontana, Helena Guardans and Miquel Martí.

A Managing Committee, headed by the municipal manager, Albert Dalmau, will be tasked with implementing the actions planned. The vice-chair will be the secretary general for the Department for Business and Work, Oriol Sagrera i Saula, and the executive director, the director general of Fira de Barcelona, Constantí Serrallonga.