Destination Barcelona reaffirms its backing for sustainable tourism

Destination Barcelona reaffirms its backing for sustainable tourism

Tourism. “+ sostenibilitat turística. Juny 2022” offers nine activities in a month to reflect on and promote responsible tourism.

Nine events are being organised in June to reflect on and promote responsible tourism, governed by the principles of environmental, social and economic sustainability in the city and the province of Barcelona. The agenda “+sostenibilitat Turística. Juny 2022” is an initiative by Barcelona City Council, Turisme de Barcelona and Barcelona Provincial Council for both the professional sector and the general public.

Highlights for “+ sostenibilitat turística. Juny 2022include the 2nd MED Sustainable Tourism Convention on 8 and 9 June, bringing together 60 international speakers from the MED Sustainable Tourism Community for round tables, technical sessions and parallel activities; and the ceremony to present the Biosphere Sustainable Lifestyle certificate to more than 800 companies in the tourist sector in Destination Barcelona, due to be held on 28 June.

The rest of the activities are:

  • Business With Social Value: an annual event on non-profit products and services offered by the Special Work Centres and Labour Insertion Companies for institutions, trading companies and other bodies. On 3 June.
  • Barcelona Sustainable Tourism Awards, recognising the effort and devotion of companies in the sphere of social, economic and cultural sustainability and accessibility. On 3 June, as part of BWSV.
  • World Environment Day, on 5 June. To mark the occasion, the tourist information offices in Plaça Catalunya will feature a piece of art made with waste materials, in collaboration with Drap Art
  • Focus Cercle. Turisme rural i sostenibilitat: Monographic session on rural tourism and sustainability aimed at members of Barcelona Provincial Council’s platform Cercle de Turisme. On 7 June.
  • BlogEscapades Barcelona: offers, in collaboration with Barcelona Travel Bloggers, various simultaneous blog trips to counties in the province of Barcelona, to introduce the public to more sustainable tourism options in the area. From 10 to 12 June.
  • Mou-te pel Clima: this festival in the Parc de la Barceloneta offers an opportunity to play, learn, reflect and join forces in the fight against climate change. On 11 June, from 11 am to 8 pm.
  • Formació MICE sostenible: training session by the Barcelona Convention Bureau on sustainable events, online and in person. On 21 June.