More than 60 activities for experiencing Montjuïc

More than 60 activities for experiencing Montjuïc

Montjuïc. 8 and 9 October sees the celebration of the second edition of 'Viu Montjuïc, el Parc de la Cultura', a weekend of more than 60 activities jointly organised by the facilities of Montjuïc and local organisations from the surrounding area.

8 and 9 October sees the celebration of the second edition of 'Viu Montjuïc, el Parc de la Cultura', a weekend of more than 60 activities jointly organised by the facilities of Montjuïc and local organisations from the surrounding area. The aim is to make the most of this accessible, clean and safe open space with a quality offer of culture, nature and leisure activities for all citizens.

The second weekend of October, some 30 Montjuïc facilities join forces to carry out their own activities as well as joint co-creation and collaboration initiatives and offer Barcelona’s residents a new opportunity to rediscover and reclaim the park. In this second edition of Viu Montjuïc, as well as the 22 joint organising facilities from the initial project, also getting on board are a number of cultural organisations from the neighbourhoods surrounding the park that form part of the Poble-sec Community Culture Committee and the Eix de Cultura i Memòria de la Marina (with the support of their respective community development plans) and the Centre Superior de Música Jam Session, from the Font de la Guatlla neighbourhood. The aim is to build alliances and to manage joint activities that involve both the large facilities in the Park and the cultural network from the local neighbourhoods.

The activities combine guided routes through the Park with open days and guided tours of the facilities, as well as music, dance and theatre performances. What’s more, this year’s edition features a food, drink and leisure area in the Joan Brossa gardens. In general, prior booking is not required to attend, unless capacity is limited due to the nature of the activity. Check here all the programme of Viu Montjuïc to plan your weekend in the mountain and make the necessary reservations [website in Catalan or Spanish].

Viu Montjuïc, a group project

The initiative comes from the desire for coordination among the mountain’s various cultural players. It is co-organised and funded by the facilities themselves, by the Sants-Montjuïc district, the Barcelona Institute of Culture and by the Councillor’s Office for Tourism and Creative Industries, which aims to launch initiatives through the tourist tax to improve leisure and offer a quality public green and cultural space aimed especially at Barcelona’s local residents.

What’s more, the initiative ties in with the Montjuïc Park Action Plan 2019-2029, which in one of its work areas seeks to raise the visibility of cultural activity in the Park and serves to promote the regular programmes of these institutions, as well as promoting links between them, with the aim of reviving the spirit of the 1929 International Exposition.

The first edition of Viu Montjuïc was held on 16 and 17 October 2021, with the intention of making it an annual event and serving as a spring board for future collaborations and synergies between the operators on the mountain. It proved to be a huge success with the public, with some 37,000 people attending.

Promoter institutions: Olympic Ring – BSM, CaixaForum Barcelona, Casa de la Premsa, Castell de Montjuïc, Cementiris de Barcelona, Graner: Fàbrica de Creació, Espai Bombers, Fundació Barcelona Olímpica – Museu Olímpic BCN,  Fundació Joan Miró, Fundació Mies van der Rohe, Institut Botànic, Institut del Teatre, Jardí Botànic, Jardí Botànic Històric, Mercat de les Flors, Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món, Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, Museu d’Història de Barcelona (MUHBA Refugi 307), Poble Espanyol, Teatre LLiure and Teatro de los Sentidos.

Other participating organisations: Centre Superior de Música Jam Session, Poble-sec Community Culture Committee: Palau de la Màgia,  Espai Piluso, Sisme Creatiu and Nómade projectes, Teatre Arnau, Vostok Collective, El Sortidor Civic Centre, Bibliomusicineteca, Dau al Sec, Centre Cultural Albareda, Transductores, Francesc Boix Library and Poble-sec Cultural Plan, Espai Jove la Bàscula and Eix de Cultura i Memòria de la Marina: La Fundició, La Inefable, Francesc Candel Library.

Co-organised by: District of Sants-Montjuïc, Barcelona Institute of Culture and the Councillor’s Office for Tourism and Creative Industries.