New boost for classical music to turn Barcelona into an international benchmark

New boost for classical music to turn Barcelona into an international benchmark

Culture. Some 200,000 euros collected from the tax on stays in tourist establishments are being allocated to the Barcelona Obertura project.

The Barcelona Obertura project has been given a new boost in the form of a 200,000-euro subsidy, collected from the proceeds of the tax on stays in tourists establishments in 2019, to promote the city’s offers and music-hall programmes on the international classical music circuit and turn the city into a cultural and music tourist destination.

The project has been organising the Barcelona Obertura Spring Festival since 2019, whose aim is to bring classical music to the city’s residents by offering them free and paid concerts and to highlight Barcelona’s potential, as it has all the necessary features to triumph on a world scale: quality halls, historical tradition and great local and international professionals residing in the city.

Barcelona Obertura has also been organising packages with musical offers, since the 2016-2017 season, which are made to international travel agencies so that music lovers from around the world can come to Barcelona and enjoy its classical music.

Barcelona Obertura is working to find the city’s niche in the world’s benchmark classical music circuits. This is a project launched by the Gran Teatre del Liceu, the Palau de la Música Catalana and the Auditori de Barcelona and promoted by Barcelona Global, in collaboration with Ibercamera, the Conservatori del Liceu and the  Camera Musicae Symphony Orchestra.