Restrictions introduced for groups of tourists in Ciutat Vella

Restrictions introduced for groups of tourists in Ciutat Vella

Tourism. Twenty civic officers have been patrolling the busiest places from Wednesday, 1 March, checking that tourist guides comply with limits to capacity.

Civic officers have been patrolling the busiest points in Cuitat Vella from 1 March, checking that tourist guides comply with the decree on groups of tourists with guides in the district. The measure will be in place until the summer, the goal being to maintain a balance between economic activity and community life.

The decree establishes that groups may not exceed 20 people, guides may not use loudhailers to give their explanations (promoting the use of audio-guides in all neighbourhoods), and that established groups numbers for some streets and squares in the district is not exceeded, particularly in the busiest places.

Working in pairs and organised into morning and afternoon shifts every day of the week, the role of civic officers is to initially inform guides about the content of the decree, and on later occasions to notify the City Police if there are cases of non-compliance.

It will be the police corps who issue fines on the spot if they find guides accompanying groups larger than the established size or exceeding the capacity allowed in the following places:

  • Plaça Sant Jaume (maximum 8 groups)
  • Plaça Reial (maximum 8 groups)
  • Plaça del Rei (maximum 5 groups)
  • Fossar de les Moreres (along the sides) (maximum 3 groups)
  • Passeig del Born (maximum 3 groups)
  • Façana de Santa Maria del Mar (maximum 3 groups)
  • Plaça del Pi (maximum 3 groups)
  • Plaça Sant Felip Neri (maximum 2 groups)
  • Plaça Isidre Nonell (maximum 2 groups)
  • Carrer de Salomó Ben Adret / Placeta Manuel Ribé and environs (maximum 2 groups)
  • Plaça de la Barceloneta (maximum 1 group)
  • Façana del Palau de la Música (Plaça Lluís Millet) (maximum 1 group)

Non-compliance may lead to fines of up to 1,500 euros, rising to 3,000 for recurrent infringements.