Training to improve support for people with disabilities in tourist establishments

Training to improve support for people with disabilities in tourist establishments

Tourism. Some sixty professionals from the sector took part.

Quality tourism in Barcelona also means tourism which is accessible and inclusive for all. To promote good practice at establishments and points of interest for tourism in the city, the third edition was held of the training course on accessible tourism and the improvement of tourism options and support for people with disabilities and other diverse needs.

Aimed at professionals in the tourism sector, the new training course sought to introduce people to the concept of accessible tourism, look at the different needs of people with disabilities and promote good practice to improve options and support for this group.

In all, 66 professionals from the tourism sector, public administrations and local tourism companies too part. The course was organised by the City Council and Turisme de Barcelona, in collaboration with the Municipal Institute for People with Disabilities and ECOM, plus support from organisations such as ONCE, ACAPPS, Dincat, ESOCA and FSMCAT.