Recommendations, reports and motions
The Ethics Committee’s functions include disseminating the Code of Ethics and Conduct and seeing to its compliance, resolving queries that may arise over its interpretation and application and to that end, it puts together recommendations on breaches and proposed improvements in ethical management and applying the principles of good governance. It issues the reports that are requested, linked to the exercise of these functions and where the proposed disciplinary measures are processed under this Code, the reports are mandatory. It carries out periodic reviews of the Code, and drafts proposed amendments to keep it up to date. It also has to provide information on the compatibility of the Codes of Conduct of organisations linked or answerable to the City Council with the principles, rules of conduct and systems of guarantee and assessment of Barcelona City Council’s Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Recommendations, proposals, motions and reports issued by the Ethics Committee are published below.
- CE documentation
- CE recommendations
- CE documentation
- CE reports
- CE documentation
- CE recommendations
- CE documentation
- CE reports