PECNAB. Special Plan for Commercial Equipment and Non-Food Uses in Barcelona. 2007

This document shows the Special Plan for Commercial Equipment and Non-Food Uses in Barcelona, ​​approved at the Municipal Council Plenary on February 23, 2007. It includes the statement of reasons and the applicable regulations.

PECNAB. Pla Especial de l'Equipament Comercial i els Usos no Alimentaris de Barcelona. 2007

Study to identify challenges and training needs in the trade sector

Study, prepared jointly by "Barcelona Activa" and the consulting company "BeagleConsulting", which aims to know the needs and challenges of the sector in the field of Human Resources, create a training map, and identify critical aspects that, having considering the current situation, they emerge as structural deficiencies in trade.

Estudi per a la identificació de reptes i necessitats de formació en el sector del comerç

Benchmarking of innovation in Barcelona commerce. diagnosis

The work on Innovation in commerce carried out by Intueri Consulting, a company specialized in strategy, innovation and training in retail, starts from the analysis of the changes experienced by retail - in areas such as technology, globalization, consumer experience and between operators - to identify commercial proposals that add value to the company, the sector and the city.

Benchmarking d'innovació en el comerç de Barcelona. Diagnosi