Study on the effects of the liberalization of commercial hours in the city of Barcelona

The study analyzes and measures the economic impact that could be generated in the city of Barcelona as a whole (and its commercial fabric) by the application of "Real Decree Law 20/2012, of July 13, on measures to guarantee budgetary stability and the promotion of competitiveness" in those points relating to opening on Sundays and holidays that are specified in title V.

Estudi sobre els efectes de la liberalització d'horaris comercials a la ciutat de Barcelona

Study of metropolitan commercial axes

Study carried out by the Territorial and Urban Studies Group of the Department of Human Geography of the University of Barcelona during 1997, in which various aspects of commercial activity and its evolution in the city of Barcelona are analyzed, referring- se to the demographic framework of trade and consumption in Barcelona and its metropolitan region and the commercial location.

Estudi dels eixos comercials metropolitans

Traders' associations as socio-economic promoters in the territory

The aim of the report is to analyze the new models, values, criteria, management formulas, transparency and innovation systems, relationship networks, etc. that the merchants' associations of the city of Barcelona require in order to adapt to the new socio-economic models and become promoters of new strategies that enhance their active role in the territory.

Les associacions de comerciants com a promotores socioeconòmiques en el territori