Action plan
The objectives result in actions: concrete measures, with a time frame, a budget, a City Council organisation in charge and a series of key goals to be achieved. The main idea is to provide the tools to enable city residents, companies and civil society organisations to make the most of the opportunities Barcelona offers.
The initiatives vary in nature: some are designed for the short term while others are designed for the long term, guaranteeing a cultural change and a steady transition towards a new Barcelona. The initiatives, which cover a broad array of challenges, opportunities and changes that Barcelona has to face, can be broadly categorised as follows:
Actions tipologies
Subsidies, grants and funding
Measures that result in the direct or indirect provision of fiscal conditions and financial contributions to stimulate the economy.
Training and advice
Initiatives aimed training, helping and guiding city residents, companies and civil society organisations in terms of navigating Barcelona's economic system.
Promotion and communication
Initiatives aimed at stepping up the promotion and international positioning of Barcelona to promote the reputation of the city, at a global level, and the creation of mechanisms for attracting talent and investment.
Economic development tools
Actions that serve as an impetus to help companies, start-ups and entrepreneurs to grow and establish themselves in Barcelona's economy.
Regulatory and administrative changes
Adjustments to the regulatory and legislative framework to ensure that the government institutions are catalysts and facilitators, not as an obstacle, in terms of economic activity.
Public private partnership
Mechanisms for cooperation between public entities and private companies in Barcelona to generate value propositions for city residents.
Growing and strengthening the fabric of social and solidarity economy enterprises and initiatives in Barcelona
Through a shared drive with the federations and the fabric of companies and entities that represent the diversity of families in the social and solidarity economy, we will draw up a 2020-2030 city strategy in which we will define the direction and priorities in this area for the whole decade. This strategy must bring to the table many of the challenges and opportunities common to the entire economic fabric (digitalisation, quality of work, platform economy, ecological transition, etc.).
We want to ensure growth in this area in the city without losing sight of its specific values, consolidating municipal policies and services, as well as promoting new benchmark infrastructures, such as what is probably the largest cooperative incubator in Europe, in the Can Batlló complex.
Guidance and training services for social and solidarity economy projects and enterprises at Barcelona Activa, and especially the activities of the InnoBA centre and the strengthening of the InnoBAdora, a space and community for the incubation of SSE enterprises.
"Lift up the SSE: advice on social and solidarity economy in times of COVID-19". Specialised and personalised service that accompanies social and solidarity economy enterprises and organisations in their reactivation due to the impact of COVID-19 in relation to financial aid, legal issues, financing, communication, management and team organisation.
Desenvolupament de programes de suport al finançament de les empreses de l’economia social i solidària:
Espai de referència de l’Economia Social i Solidària a Barcelona i dispositiu d’incubació cooperativa i de suport a l’ESS més gran d'Europa al districte de Sants-Montjuïc.
Una inversió en la infraestructura i col·laboració amb el teixit de l'ESS pel desenvolupament i consolidació de l'activitat col·lectiva i de gestió comunitària entre el veïnat, l’Ajuntament i el moviment cooperatiu que s’ha de realitzar en aquest recinte rehabilitat.
El context actual ha evidenciat la necessitat d'incorporar la dimensió digital, a més de suposar un mitjà d'impuls de l'economia col·laborativa i fons d'innovació en prestació i accés als serveis i, en general, de interrelació i cobertura de necessitats.
A través de la col·laboració amb el món universitari s'impulsa el Programa SharingCitites per impulsar l'economia col·laborativa al servei de les persones i la ciutat incloent: