What is it?
The Barcelona Green Deal is an urban and economic agenda for working over the course of the next ten years to develop a city that is more competitive, sustainable, equitable and adapted to challenges such as the ecological and digital transitions, which have accelerated due to the pandemic.
To position Barcelona as an international leader for all the city's key economic and social areas, establishing a socio-economic agreement between all the city's institutions, companies, organisations and residents.
To draw up a comprehensive roadmap which results in the establishment of 3 Strategic Areas, which incorporate 10 Objectives and 66 specific initiatives.
The mission is expressed in the form of 5 aspirations, which together define the vision we have for our city over the next decade and the aspirational goals that Barcelona City Council is working to make a reality:

01 / International City
Barcelona is the number one city in Europe for tech company creation, talent attraction and innovation, with a leading visitor economy model.

02 / Sustainable city
Barcelona leads the way in implementing measures and targets to combat the climate emergency through the work of its institutions and its economic and social fabric.

03 / Responsible mobility
Barcelona is the most traffic-calmed urban area, a leading example of accessible mobility and with an extensive metropolitan public transport network.

04 / Feminised city
Barcelona is egalitarian, with institutions where the gender perspective is mainstreamed, eliminating gender inequality and discrimination throughout the city.

05 / Green jobs city
Barcelona creates quality jobs in key sectors such as the green and blue economy, particularly for groups that have greater difficulty accessing the labour market.
Economic ecosystem
Barcelona's economic ecosystem is diverse and has a wide range of productive sectors and specific areas. However, six strategic sectors are particularly notable, either due to their signficant impact on the city's economy or for their tactical value in terms of reputation and international positioning. The strategic sectors are key for a number of reasons, such as the future of technological development, cultural impact or impact on identity, their differential value, the attractiveness of the city and the possible synergies within Barcelona's economic fabric. They are as follows: