Barcelona Cultura

At present


Nit dels Museus 2017. La nit de Barcelona i el correu

Per segon any consecutiu tornem a participar en la 10a edició de la Nit dels Museus, organitzada per l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

19-24 de 40 ITEMS Back

SOS Nepal

On 25th April 2015, the world looked on in shock and dismay at the tragic consequences of the Nepal earthquake.

175 years of stamps

This year is the 175th anniversary of the creation of the first postal stamp in history, known to philatelists as the Penny Black.

Anzac Day

The 25th of April is Anzac Day – one of the most important days of the year for Australians and New Zealanders. This event is included in the programme for the commemoration of the centenary...

The day of Sant Jordi

The 23rd of April is one of the most representative, identity-reaffirming official holidays in Catalan culture. Congratulations to all the Jordis and Jordines!

Symbols of friendship

While their past was fraught with intense conflict, the subsequent rapprochement between the United States and Japan is renewed every spring. Because over the last 100 years, as a show of good faith, the two...

Habemus Postcrossing!

Are you tired of only finding bills and junk mail in your letterbox? Then you might be interested in reading this.

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