Barcelona Cultura

At present


Nit dels Museus 2017. La nit de Barcelona i el correu

Per segon any consecutiu tornem a participar en la 10a edició de la Nit dels Museus, organitzada per l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

25-30 de 40 ITEMS Back

We participated in the sample of activities for schools

On June 30 was held at the Cosmocaixa Barcelona Show Activities from 2014 to 2015 PAE, and Collection Marull was there!

The Great War

This year, commemorations are being held for the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, also known as the Great War (1914 – 1918).

The Sant Pau Moderniste complex and Ramon Marull

After four years of restoration, the Sant Pau Moderniste complex is open to the public. Ramon Marull was one of the main benefactors of this fascinating space.

Digitalization of Latvian stamps from 1918 to 1940

Today we write about the Latvian History blog, which treats topics related with the history of Latvia. The responsible for this blog is Maris Goldmanis, with background in history and living in Riga.

Høy is the headliner of the Stamp Art 2013

Denmark annually issues, since 1998, a philatelic series called Stamp Art. Many important Danish artist have seen how their works illustrate the shipment of thousands of letters. This series is a great promotion platform…

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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