Lectures and courses

Eli Gras - Concept as an artefact


Talk by multi-disciplinary artist Eli Gras.

Creation is the result of an unpredictable process, something that seems to arise spontaneously. It is often based on a concept you have worked on, which may be something that occurred to you suddenly, an idea that has been maturing over time, various thoughts that converge, or something someone suggested. This produces a domino effect, a chain of unforeseeable events, action and inaction, where learning, science, taking breaks, humour, chance, and the mistakes you make along the way finally lead to an artefact in sound that can be performed. We will examine an experimental approach that avoids simple solutions, but which has some practical aspects. And we shall briefly consider the risks taken by a self-taught musician and how a little girl who wanted to play the baroque flute came to create daringly experimental music for the lute.

This activity is part of cycle of talks “Musical instruments under study”

You can attend this conference in person and virtually. It is aimed at students of music and the public.


3rd November
Josep Borràs: Felip Pedrell and Hispanic musical instruments

10 November
Visit to the Antonus Synths workshop

17th November
Marc Vilanova: Phonos

24th November
Luis Antonio González Marín: Felip Pedrell and the organ