City and Tourism Council renewed to tackle the challenges of the future

26/01/2022 - 19:47

Tourism. The Council has issued a unitary statement underlining the need to improve harmony between residents and visitors.

The City and Tourism Council (CTiC) embarks on a new term of office during which it will debate the creation of new points for attracting tourism, culture, heritage and the urban landscape, commerce and hospitality, new business models, the collaborative economy and the promotion and strategic positioning of the city.

The full meeting took place at the Monastery of Pedralbes and was used to present the results of the elections, as well as the work plan for the second term of office for this municipal body of sectoral participation. The CTiC represents a very wide range of interests and sensitivities linked to tourism.

Specifically, representatives for the sectors linked with the CTiC are distributed as follows:

  • Six representatives for citizens and local people.
  • Six representatives for businesses in the tourist sector.
  • Three representatives for commerce and one for the hospitality sector.
  • Two representatives for the sectors of culture and sport.
  • Two representatives for trade unions.
  • Two representatives for environmental organisations.
  • Two representatives for social groups and organisations.

Other representatives on the council, also renewed but by designation, come from various district organisations, sectoral experts, municipal specialists, the Ombudsman, the Consell de Cent Association and representatives designated by each municipal group.

For more information on the council click here.

Unitary statement

The members of the CTiC have issued a statement calling for a united effort for closer public, private and community collaboration. They underline the need to reactivate one of the city’s most important and cross-cutting economic sectors, but also to foster and improve harmony between residents and visitors.

The statement affirms that only by working together and achieving unanimous agreement can we move towards prosperous and more sustainable tourism, which generates and equally distributes wealth and added value around the whole city.