
End of the project presentation stage in the Participatory Budgets
Participation. This edition of the Participatory Budgets attracted 1,739 project proposals in all, with all city neighbourhoods represented.

New participatory budgets: decide what’s best for your neighbourhood
Participation. The process allows members of the public to decide which district projects should get part of the municipal budget over the next four years (2024-2027).

The entire programme for La Mercè 2024: creativity, performances and tradition
Mercè 2024. Nearly 270 performances at the Mercè Arts de Carrer, in a Festa Major that commemorates the 650th anniversary of the Eagle.

Members of the public back the update to the by-law on civil behaviour
Civil behaviour. A total of 570 proposals were made during the participatory process.

Ràdio Canòdrom kicks off by strengthening collective ties against poverty
Radio Canòdrom presents its first episode, exploring the importance of community and mutual support in the face of digital hatred. With six diverse voices, this immersive podcast will be celebrated on May 24th, in collaboration with ECAS and XRCB.

Participatory process to amend the city by-law on coexistence extended
Safety and prevention. New public meetings will be held in May.
Children and teenagers… “We want to decide!”
Participation. The forums in the participatory process for children and teenagers in Barcelona aged from 8 to 17 get under way, within the context of the city’s role as the European Capital of Democracy.

Aribau and Muntaner to get new service lanes to free up pavements
Mobility and transport. One traffic lane will be replaced by parking spaces for motorcycles, loading/unloading points and waste containers.

Growing up between screens?
The “Growing between screens” series will explore the challenges and reflections associated with the digitization of childhood, focusing on its critical approach and digital rights.

More greenery and accessibility at the children’s play areas in Pl. Doctor Letamendi
Urban planning and infrastructures. The project originated with the participatory budgets and work gets under way on 16 January.