Escola Respira
Barcelona City Council is developing initiatives to improve the quality of the air breathed by all city residents, and especially by the groups most sensitive to atmospheric pollution such as children.
Escola Respira (School Breathes) is a municipal programme of initiatives for improving air quality in school environments such as awareness-raising actions among the entire school community. It revolves around four core areas: the urban space, classrooms, recreational spaces, and cross-cutting and educational aspects.
It includes 2 lines of action for actively working with schools and 4 more lines of action.
2 lines of action for actively working with schools:
Air quality eco-audits

Audits at schools as an individualised approach to tackling the problem of atmospheric pollution, both at the entrances to and inside schools. An initiative designed with an educational focus, enabling students to play an active part in the whole process.
Call aimed at students in the first two years of compulsory secondary education and open to a maximum of 20 schools per academic year. It starts with a pilot test in five schools (2018-2019).
For more details visit the Air quality eco-audit website.
'Escola Respira' micronetwork

A new educational resource will be offered under the “More Sustainable Schools” programme to help find out more about the problems of air quality and consequently be able to raise awareness among the school community. This resource is being channelled through a specific micronetwork. An educational guide on air quality and mobility will be offered, as well as a resources pack and visits to an atmospheric monitoring station.
Call aimed at students in the last two years of primary school. A pilot test is planned in five schools during 2018-2019 school year, and ten schools will be incorporated each school year. Support will also be given to educational projects launched by other entities.
For more details visit the Escola Respira micro-network website.
4 other lines of action:
Promoting the creation of green walls

Green walls are vertical structures made of greenery that help reduce noise and atmospheric pollution, promote biodiversity and improve the aesthetic of the environment. This is why they are a good ally when it comes to preserving the environmental quality of school environments.
“Camí escolar, espai amic” project

Under the “Camí escolar, espai amic” ” (School path, friendly space) project, the concepts of air quality and atmospheric pollution are being introduced in the 90 schools taking part. “Camí escolar, espai amic” aims to help students gain personal independence and quality of life as they make their way to school, play group, etc., while promoting a community commitment to get involved.
More sustainable mobility

More sustainable mobility initiatives to encourage taking children to school on public transport, on foot, by bike or on skates. Initiatives already under way in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district ( KanGo; new bus network; shared bus, etc. ).
Urban model initiatives

Such as Eco-chamfers, for improving school entry and exit areas, and other types of city-level action such as the launch of initiatives to keep traffic away from and calm streets, notably including the implementation of superblocks.
Details of the various lines of action of the “Escola Respira” programme can be found in the following link: Check out the programme
The period of inscriptions for schools regagarding to activities planned for the 2019-2020 academic year is currently closed .