Disruptions to mobility for Chinese New Year

Saturday, 25 January, brings the main event in a festivity that starts with the traditional parade from the Parc de l’Estació del Nord and makes its way to the Arc de Triomf. The participants in the parade will gather inside the park from 9 am, ready to set off when the starting gong goes at 11 am.

21/01/2025 - 13:53 h - Security and prevention Ajuntament de Barcelona

The route for the parade is:

Main entrance to the Parc de l’Estació del Nord (11 am) – Av. Vilanova – Roger de Flor – Ribes – Nàpols (in the opposite direction) – Ausiàs Marc – Pg. Sant Joan (descending) – central section of Pg. Lluís Companys.

Vehicles will not be allowed to circulate in any of the streets during the parade, including the bike lane in Pg. Sant Joan.

The exit from the car park at the Estació del Nord into C/ Nàpols will be closed (entrance and exit will be via C/ Alí Bei with the exit in C/ Sardenya).


There are no plans to remove vehicles from the parade route, but from 11 am to 2 pm users will be unable to move any vehicles parked in the following streets:

  • Av. Vilanova, from Nàpols to Lluís Companys.
  • Roger de Flor, from Almogàvers to Ausiàs Marc.
  • Ribes, from Roger de Flor to Nàpols (bike lane).
  • Nàpols, from Casp to Av. Vilanova.
  • Alí Bei, from Sicília to Pg. Sant Joan.
  • Ausiàs Marc, from Sicília to Pg. Sant Joan.
  • Pg. Sant Joan, from Casp to Lluís Companys.

Public transport

The bus services affected will be diverted or see their routes limited from roughly 11 am to 2 pm: D50H16V191954 and 120.

People can get to Pg. Sant Joan with the following transport options: