Safety and prevention policies applied in Barcelona at the FEPSU conference

Barcelona City Council is taking its safety and prevention policies to the Spanish Forum for Urban Safety and Prevention (FEPSU), which is being held in Madrid on 14 and 15 November under the title “Challenges for a society with pacific and safe coexistence”.

14/11/2022 - 13:13 h - Security and prevention Ajuntament de Barcelona

FEPSU is an association of municipalities all around Spain, including Barcelona, devoted to defending and promoting public policies on safety and prevention. Its goal is to offer opportunities for discussion and the exchange of good practice for addressing the urban security challenges facing cities today.

Participants at the conference include the Manager of the Area for Safety and Prevention at Barcelona City Council, Maite Casado, who will be explaining the City Council’s project for civil and safe nights within the framework of improving coexistence in public spaces, along with the Director of Prevention Services, Àngels Vila, executive secretary of the FEPSU.

The conference will address topics such as coexistence in public space, with talks on nightlife and mediation; coexistence in community space; tools for responding to the challenges of coexistence through technology and the design of public space. And the leadership of security organisations towards a cross-cutting model.

This exchange of experiences between cities, professionals and experts will help improve the capacity to manage issues with coexistence, drawing on practices which have been effective in other cities and which help generate knowledge.