Mobility of the future: dialogue and participation for the new roadmap

Mobility and transport. The Urban Mobility Plan sets out over 300 measures in 60 spheres of action.

The Urban Mobility Plan sets out over 300 measures and 60 areas of action for the design of the mobility policies of the future and is the result of joint work and dialogue with thirty organisations and political groups.

The new Urban Mobility Plan 2024 gives maximum priority to the design of policies to help build a safer, smarter, healthier, more equal and sustainable city. The main goal is for 81.52% of journeys to be made on foot, on public transport or by bike by 2024.

The new proposal also sets out four challenges to achieve:

  • Guarantee the right to mobility.
  • Work towards people’s health and safety.
  • Contribute to the recovery and economic and commercial activity.
  • Combat the climate crisis and improve air quality.

Over 300 measures

To help increase journeys made using sustainable means, the Urban Mobility Plan sets out 60 spheres of action and 340 measures, the most notable being:

  • Pedestrians: increase of 32 km of pedestrianised streets, installation of moving staircases to improve accessibility and reduction of traffic in areas around schools.
  • Bus: improve the bus network with 68 km of new bus lanes, reorganise supramunicipal lines and increase zero-emissions bus routes.
  • Bicycle: increase the bike network by 40%, develop a strategic plan for secure bike parking in the city and study the addition of more electric bikes for the Bicing service.
  • Goods: study the modulation of parking times in DUM loading/unloading areas according to type of activity, promote loading and unloading at night with silent vehicles and study or promote pricing measures and/or tax relief to reduce the environmental impact of the DUM.
  • Private vehicles: implement citywide 30 km/h speed limits (except for main connecting roads), more action to address accident black spots, prioritise the use of quieter and more sustainable vehicles and achieve a municipal fleet which is 80% electric.
  • New technologies: increase vehicle-sharing services (cars, motorbikes and bikes) in the metropolitan area, include automatic control systems for traffic infringements and introduce video denouncement systems on buses to identify and fine vehicles committing traffic infringements at bus stops and in bus lanes.

Process to approve the new Urban Mobility Plan

The project for the Urban Mobility Plan 2024 has been given initial approval by the Commission for Ecology, Urban Planning, Infrastructures and Mobility. A period for challenges and proposed amendments is now under way before it is debated and definitively voted on by the Full Council.