More traffic-free space for 78 schools

Protecting schools. The schools will have safer and healthier surroundings, benefitting more than 26,000 pupils and their families.

Measures to reduce traffic are to be implemented in areas around 53 schools in 2021, following the projects already completed at 25 schools in 2020. The changes form part of the ‘Protegim les escoles’ programme, which prioritises children’s health, reduces traffic in the streets and reserves more space for people. Work carried out in 2020 will have gained 4,400 square metres of asphalt.

In all, 78 schools will gain space for students and their families through the initiative ‘Protegim les escoles’. Over 26,000 children around all city districts will benefit. The goal is also for 200 schools to have more pleasant surroundings by 2023.

Safe places, full of life

Cutting traffic and freeing up space for people in the areas around schools creates more space for families to meet-up and more neighbourhood life. Spending more time outside also means people walk more and use local shops.

At the same time, reducing traffic and getting it further away from children makes for better air quality, less exposure to noise and fewer accidents. Areas around schools, where children spend so many hours every day, thus become safer and healthier places.

Pollution harmful to children

Children are among those most affected by pollution. According to the latest report by the Barcelona Public Health Agency, the most thorough to date, pollution causes 33% of new cases of child asthma, one of the most common chronic conditions among youngsters. The report also found that one in four schools are exposed to NO2 levels above the legal limit. Half of these schools are in the district of L’Eixample.