Urban planning. The first stage of the work will extend the tram by 1.8 kilometres, from Glòries to Verdaguer, adding three new stops to the network.
The first stage of the work will extend the tram by 1.8 kilometres, from Glòries to Verdaguer, adding three new stops to the network. The project also entails a revamp to the avenue to cut pollution and add green areas, expand the cycling network and generate more space for pedestrians. This is the first step in the process to link the Trambesòs and Trambaxi systems, providing more public transport options and improving mobility between nine municipalities in the metropolitan area.
As part of the Barcelona Superblock urban transformation plan, the extension to the tram system is one of the ways the city is backing public transport and sustainable mobility as it works towards friendlier, fairer, healthier and more accessible space.
The new unified tram system will enable passengers to get from Glòries to Verdaguer in seven minutes, and from Glòries to Francesc Macià in fifteen minutes. It also favours intermodal journeys using different types of public transport, with connections between metro lines and buses to optimise urban and metropolitan mobility.
Estimates point to the link-up of the current Trambaix and Trambesòs systems as potentially doubling the number of users, with up to 220,000 passengers a day between the nine municipalities in the metropolitan area which will now be connected: Barcelona, l’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Esplugues de Llobregat, Cornellà de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Just Desvern, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Adrià de Besòs and Badalona.
The various works associated with linking the tram systems mean changes to the spatial layout and uses in Av. Diagonal. On one hand, private motor vehicles using the avenue should drop by 12,000 a day, helping to reduce noise and air pollution in the city. On the other hand, pedestrians will have more space and more bike lanes will also be added, along with more green areas with more trees and garden parterres, new lighting and new urban furniture.
Three new stops
The first stage of the work will extend the tram by 1.8 kilometres, from Glòries to Verdaguer, adding three new stops to the network (Monumental, Sicília and Verdaguer) plus an interchange at Glòries. This section will gain 8,400 m2 for pedestrians, 2,500m2 in cycling space and 5,000 m2 in green areas.
The new section of the tram system will connect with four metro lines (L1, L2, L4 and L5) and thirteen TMB bus routes, as well as linking with the three current Trambesòs lines (T4, T5 and T6). The connection will use a power supply from the ground so that overhead lines are not needed.
In the section of Av. Diagonal between C/ Castillejos and C/ Lepant, pedestrians will circulate on the central section. The side lane nearest the mountain will have a lane for trams, another for bikes and another for services. The side lane nearest the sea will also have a tram lane and another for private vehicles. Pavements are to be widened to 7.5 metres on the side nearest the mountain, and 10 metres on the side nearest the sea.
As from C/ Lepant, and as far as Pg. Sant Joan, the tram will circulate in the central section, which will also have a two-way bike lane. The side lanes here will have two traffic lanes for private vehicles and a service lane, with pavements 7.5 metres wide. An interchange is to be built at Glòries and the whole side of the future park nearest the sea to be reurbanised.
Disruptions to mobility
Work gets under way simultaneously at five points along the section between C/ Badajoz and C/ Girona, meaning dsiruptions to traffic comparable to those currently caused by the work to expand the drainage system.
The Tram Monitoring Commission will be holding sessions to provide information and support relating to these disruptions for schools, residents and businesses in the area affected. The commission brings together representation from local residents’ and retailers’ associations, professional associations, education and mobility organisations and other metropolitan and municipal bodies.