Tourist tax to fund 48 social projects

Tourist tax to fund 48 social projects

Tourism. The package will receive €11.1 million from the tourist accommodation tax.

A new package of 48 projects has been approved with a budget of €11.1 million from the tourist accommodation tax. These projects are aimed at strengthening the measures introduced to improve tourism management and boost the sector's positive impact on the public. Of the 48 projects approved, 29 are direct requests from the city's districts, while eight are geared towards cultural revitalisation. Additionally, five projects target tourism management in areas such as Sagrada Família and Turó de la Rovira, a hill overlooking Barcelona.

This is the second package of projects funded by the tourist accommodation tax to be approved this term, following the €7.7 million package approved in November 2023. The new measures consolidate the trend of allocating up to 66% of the tourist tax to the Fons de retorn ciutadà del turisme, a fund generated by tourist activity used to benefit the city and its inhabitants.

Barcelona’s ten districts applied for funding for 29 projects. One of them is Viu Montjuïc [Experience Montjuïc], which has secured €220,000 to revitalise the park through activities organised jointly by all the establishments on the mountain. Another notable project is Cultura al barri [Culture in the Neighbourhood], which is set to receive €250,000 to put on free activities in the El Besòs i el Maresme neighbourhood, including circus arts, sports, dance, theatre and music.

The social return of tourism extends beyond these initiatives, however, encompassing additional projects such as the development of literary spaces in Horta-Guinardó, the third iteration of the Aparadors artístics [Artistic Showcases] project in Ciutat Vella, a circus marquee at the Circorts Festival in Les Corts, the restoration of the Sarrià viewpoint in Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, activities for the festa major in Nou Barris, and the Epiphany parade in Sant Andreu’s La Sagrera neighbourhood.

The Barcelona Institute of Culture will directly oversee the management of eight additional projects. Among them is Barcelona × 10, which seeks to amplify cultural events and projects emerging from the city’s neighbourhoods. Also included are initiatives such as the Guadalajara International Book Fair and specific support for events such as the Grec Festival, La Mercè 2024, the New Year’s Eve Party, and the Llum BCN Light Arts Festival.

In terms of funding for projects aimed at managing the impact of tourism, €275,000 will be used to develop the plan for family and children’s activities in the squares of the Gràcia district; €200,000 will be used to draw up an action plan for Sagrada Família and its surroundings; nearly €78,000 will be used to manage and improve the Turó de la Rovira anti-aircraft battery site; €60,000 will be used to maintain the existing mediation service between residents and managers of tourist accommodation; and €100,000 will be used to complete the plan for managing the city’s busiest areas.

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