New paving at the Mercat de la Boqueria

New paving at the Mercat de la Boqueria

Commerce and markets. The market will be open and work will be carried out in two stages to minimise any inconvenience caused.

Work gets under way to renew the paving at the Mercat de la Boqueria from Monday, 16 January, and should take ten weeks. The market will continue to open, with work organised into two stages to minimise the impact on daily activity there. Significant safety measures will be applied to keep any inconvenience caused by dust and noise to a minimum.

The project will be carried out in two five-week stages. The first of these will see paving renewed on the side nearest the mountain, with work starting on 16 January and expected to conclude on 19 February. The second stage, on the side of the market nearest the sea, gets under way on 20 February and should take until 26 March.

Only the stalls affected by the work will need to close temporarily during each of the stages, and the possibility of them being able to reopen as the repaving work progresses is also being looked at. In terms of premises with terraces located under the arches adjacent to the working areas in each stage, the recommendation is for these not to open.

In all, work will cover 3,600 square metres of space around the streets in the market, grinding down and demolishing the current paving and laying uniform paving around the entire surface. Carried out by the Barcelona Institute for Municipal Markets (IMMB), the work has a budget of 1.4 million euros.