Support for neighbourhood sociocultural projects with the tourist tax

Support for neighbourhood sociocultural projects with the tourist tax

Tourist tax. The sum of 700,000 euros in funding has been allocated.

The Barcelona Districte Internacional project will be funded with money generated by the tax on overnight stays in tourist accommodation (IEET), with funding of up to 50,000 euros for each unique project firmly rooted in the local area, organised on various occasions and to be held again in 2023. A sum of 700,000 euros has been earmarked for this.

The initiative will be developed with the Barcelona Tourist Consortium, which will also guarantee the promotion of the selected events through its information channels. Projects must have an international scope, take place regularly and help showcase the wealth and diversity of the city from a neighbourhood perspective. Priority will also be given to projects which embrace sustainability in their conception and management, from a social, economic and environmental perspective.


Candidacies from projects seeking to be part of the programme will be handled by district offices, in line with the organising body. A technical committee made up of the Directorate for the Barcelona Tourist Consortium, the Directorate for Tourism and Creative Industries at Barcelona City Council and two specialist representatives from the districts will be evaluating the candidacies.

Nearly seven million euros from the tourist tax to promote tourism management

In 2022, over 6.8 million euros from the IETT was used to fund projects to diversify tourism, foster responsible tourism and the promotion of sports, gastronomy and cultural activities.