The Council carries out its participatory role through governing bodies, committees and working groups, implementing the Work Plan that is approved during each term of office.

Based on the Work Plan's goals and at the proposal of the Standing Committee or the Chair, the working groups or committees are organised to work on specific issues. The current working groups and committees are as follows:

WG for the BCN Diverse City Gathering

Prepares, monitors and assesses the annual gathering. It is made up of all the entities taking part.

WG for bringing dignity to domestic work, 2018

Set up in 2017 to prepare a proposals document for the theme of that year: Bringing Dignity to Domestic Work and Looking after People. A monitoring group was set up in 2018 to monitor the implementation of the proposals.

CMIB Training Committee and Training and Resilience Plan

For some years now, the CMIB has been operating a Resilience and Training Plan for the various entities, offering them personalised and group support. A Training Committee was set up in 2018 to extend the training to all the member entities and the training sessions have since started.

Minutes and documents:

Communication Committee 

It is constituted as a space in which entities can define priorities and criteria in the field of communication, especially around activities such as the Trobada, the CMIB Award, etc.

Other working groups or committees  

  • 2016: Diverse Participation WG
  • 2016: World Refugee Day WG
  • 2015: Women, gender violence and sexism WG
  • 2014: Legal WG 67 CMIB proposals and Immigration Act
  • 2011: CMIB Work Plan WG
  • 2010: CMIB Regulations (governing rules) WG
  • 2010: WG and health and sanitation issues
  • 2010: AMPA WG: CMIB and FAPAC entities
  • 2009: Municipal Interculturality Plan WG
  • 2008: Family reunification WG
  • 2008: CMIB WG portal and website