Barcelona Activa resources
Barcelona Activa resources
Barcelona Activa fosters and reinforces initiatives from entrepreneurs, organisations and enterprises in the city’s Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE), with a socio-economic innovation perspective. InnoBA, the city’s SSE reference centre, cooperates in boosting and consolidating cooperative, community and transformative projects, providing mentoring and training, to ensure sustainable local development. We do all that with the intention of making the SSE more widely known, helping to implement it and ensuring the projects we promote have an impact on the whole of the economy.
SSE advice
Barcelona Activa has an advice service formed by SSE experts in order to mentor and advise projects, while detecting needs and deficiencies, and providing resources and content.
Regular training
We offer free training activities (courses, workshops, seminars, etc.) to undertake an SSE project or build on existing ones. The training is divided into four big blocks: communication, organisational management, taxation and funding, and trends and opportunities.
InnoBA and #DiesInnoBA
InnoBA is Barcelona Activa’s reference centre on the Social and Solidarity Economy and socio-economic innovation in Barcelona. It organises outreach activities and offers dialogue spaces for exchanges between the SSE and other conventional practices. April will see the return of the InnoBA Days, #DiesInnoBA, in order to highlight relevant practices and experiences that can be inspiring both for the general public and for other forms of business organisation.
The InnoBAdora
InnoBAdora, is Barcelona Activa’s reference centre on the Social and Solidarity Economy and socio-economic innovation in Barcelona. It organises outreach activities and offers dialogue spaces for exchanges between the SSE and other conventional practices. April will see the return of the InnoBA Days, #DiesInnoBA, in order to highlight relevant practices and experiences that can be inspiring both for the general public and for other forms of business organisation.
Social clauses service
Promotion of Social Clauses relating to the hiring of unemployed people with special difficulties in finding work or in situations of social exclusion and to subcontracting with social economy companies, as well as the Social Reserve.
The CoAgenda
The CoAgenda is the loudspeaker of Socioeconomic Innovation and the Social and Solidarity Economy. Enter to discover all the activities, services, and news from Barcelona or create your user and publish, manage and disseminate your activities or events.