What is responsible consumption?
What is responsible consumption?
Consuming is an everyday, vital act: every day we eat, we go to bed, we communicate by phone, we consume internet data, we move around, we dress, and so on, Have you ever wondered what this consumption means for the economy, social justice and the planet? Every time we decide to consume or buy one product or another, to contract one company or another, we decide where our money goes, how we relate to each other and what kind of world we want.
You have questions but, above all, do you want answers?
You have questions but, above all, do you want answers?
És consumir pensant en les conseqüències de les decisions de consum: com afecten la salut, les persones, la comunitat i el medi ambient, i escollir-ne, preferentment, les que tinguin efectes més positius.
Es basa en tres pilars: consumir menys, consumir sense comprar i comprar amb criteri.
- Because responsible consumption contributes to creating a fairer and more socially and environmentally sustainable society.
- Because consumption is one of the most powerful tools we have to influence the socio-economic model we want.
- Because it creates individual and collective satisfaction.
Barcelona offers a wide range of options for incorporating responsible consumption practices and habits into our daily lives: local products, seasonal and organic food, sustainable clothing, access to renewable energies, hygiene products, cooperative enterprises that prioritise life, community and collaborative economies, local shops, exchange and reuse networks, and so on.
Become a responsible consumer!
- Start with what’s easiest for you
- Incorporate changes gradually and at what is a sustainable pace for you
- Do it enjoying and sharing!
- Get trained and get informed:
- Through the activities and services of the Responsible Consumption Space
- With the different maps and resources we put at your disposal
You will find maps, links and other inspirational resources on this site and you can also write to us with your questions at espaiconsumresponsable@bcn.cat and we will try to give you more accurate, more personalised information.
Municipal promotion of responsible consumption
Barcelona City Council incorporates it into its planning and implementation of various plans, programmes and strategies. The most significant are described below:
- Barcelona 2030 Social and Solidarity Economy Strategy, ith line 7, which includes conscious consumption and transformation as a lever for change, and citywide conscious consumption and social market projects (Barcelona City Council is part of this strategy, along with many other players in this field).
- Plan to Boost the Social and Solidarity Economy 2021-2023, with strategic goal 8: to promote conscious consumption and the consolidation of the social market by facilitating access to SSE goods, products, services and activities. Promoting responsible consumption began with the Strategy to Promote Responsible Consumption 2016-2019, which has been integrated into the framework of boosting the social and solidarity economy.
- Sustainable Food Strategy 2020-2023, under construction, the forerunner of which was the Food Policy Promotion Strategy 2016-2019
- Climate Emergency Declaration
- Citizen Commitment to Sustainability 2012-2022
- Climate Plan
- Urban Agriculture Strategy
- Municipal Waste Prevention Plan 2012-2020
- Sustainable Public Procurement and Sustainable Procurement Plan
- Government Measure for a Sustainable Food System
- Government measure for a democratisation of care 2017-2010
The principles of responsible consumption
Social and solidarity economy
Prioritises meeting people’s needs over money and acts with democratic, sustainable, participatory and inclusive values, among others.
Agroecological food
Food based on a production method that respects the rights of workers, preserves ecosystem balances and highlights the culture of the land.
Products that come from the surrounding area and boost the local economic fabric and environmental sustainability.
Looking after people
Puts people at the centre, promoting quality employment and the integration of vulnerable groups.
Good living
A product or service that promotes healthy and sustainable lifestyles.
Democratic management
Promotes active and egalitarian participation in decision-making by every member of the initiative.
Fair trade
Fair-trade relationship, particularly between the North and the South, based on social and environmental values.
Sustainable production
Includes reductions in water, energy and raw-material consumption, and minimises waste.
Waste prevention
Products that prevent the generation of waste, as they last longer, are repairable, low-consumption, and have minimum packaging or packaging with less impact.