Other facilities and subsidies
Other facilities and subsidies
There are other facilities working to promote responsible consumption and a new, more conscious and more committed way of living. Grants and subsidies are also available with specific modalities to subsidise organisations working in related fields.
Municipal facilities
Municipal Consumer Information Office (OMIC)
The Municipal Consumer Information Office (OMIC) is a service that helps Barcelona residents, be they consumers, traders or users, to know their rights and duties in this area.
InnoBA is a Barcelona Activa facility that provides activities, specialised services, research, training and incubation and experimentation spaces linked to the Social and Solidarity Economy and socio-economic innovation. It is designed for people and organisations that wish to make initial contact with the SSE and those that already have projects underway and wish to develop them further.
Sustainability facilities
Barcelona has a network of environmental facilities (XEAB) which offers information, activities, exhibitions and other resources on urban ecology and sustainability issues: La Fàbrica del Sol, theenvironmental classroom, Environmental leisure space at Parc de la Ciutadella, the Beach Centre, etc.
Grants and subsidies that include promoting responsible consumption
Impulsem el que Fas (We promote what you do)
Grants and subsidies to fund projects that promote neighbourhood economies. We are looking for projects with roots in the area, that foster employment, entrepreneurship and business, the creation of new economic activity, responsible consumption, sustainable food, responsible tourism, community economies and digital and social innovation.
General subsidy call for district and city projects, activities and services
For city and district projects in a wide range of areas, including specifically the areas of Urban Ecology and Consumer Affairs, which, among others, subsidise responsible consumption projects. The call has a mainstreaming criterion of “incorporating the eco-social perspective, greening and responsible consumption", which promotes sustainable practices in any project to be subsidised. Consult the Entity Guide for Applying the Social and Environmental Benefits Criterion..
Enfortim l’economia social i solidària
Programme of grants and subsidies for projects or activities that promote activities of public or social interest that aim to contribute to achieving the goals and targets of the Plan to Boost the Social and Solidarity Economy, by promoting and reinforcing the plan’s lines of work.
Climate Plan Subsidies
These seek to encourage projects that promote the fight against the climate crisis and which provide solutions for achieving the goals established under the Climate Plan and the Climate Emergency Declaration.