Responsible Consumption Space
The Responsible Consumption Space is a municipal facility that specialises in fostering responsible consumption and aims to promote a more conscious consumer culture that is committed to having a positive impact on people and the environment. We focus on the last of the three pillars of responsible consumption: buy wisely.
We work online and F2F. Contact:
The Responsible Consumption Space works alongside and is enriched by the Municipal Consumer Information Office (OMIC), which offers information and complaint handling services on consumer issues.
We programme activities for everyone with organisations and others working on and for responsible consumption.
If you would like to organise activities with us, write to us at
Whether it is on a personal level or as an organisation or a group, consuming responsibly is not always easy... but now it is a little easier!
Not sure where you can buy local produce? Where to find SSE initiatives? Do you want to cover your needs while giving money to initiatives that promote decent working conditions at the same time? Are you looking for information but can’t find it?
Check out the maps and resources, section, or email us with your query at You can also come and see us in person at the Responsible Consumption and Social and Solidarity Economy Christmas Fairin Plaça de Catalunya, or at the mobile information points that we occasionally set up at various city events.
Do you need a place for an event, activities, gatherings or meetings?
We have two rooms at the Responsible Consumption Space which we let out for free to entities that promote responsible consumption, consumer groups, municipal services and consumer affairs agents.
The characteristics and general hours are as follows:- Multipurpose Room: capacity for 60 people. Week days, from 3 pm to 9 pm.
- Classroom: capacity for 25 people. Week days, from 9 am to 9 pm.
The rooms are let out free of charge, but it is linked to a social return, which the organisation must validate (by offering an activity as part of the Responsible Consumption Space programme, loaning an exhibition, taking part in a roundtable discussion as a speaker, etc.). Availability depends on other events and internal organisation.
You will find more information in this document.
The Responsible Consumption Space activities diary
Activitats Espai Consum Responsable Aj
Taller 'Endinsa't al món de la garrofa'
- When: 30/10/2024
- Where:Aula Ambiental Bosc Turull
Cicle de xerrades 'Conflictes: judicialització o arbitratge? Àrbitre o jutge?'
- When: Del 15/02/2024 al 14/11/2024
- Where:Oficina Municipal d'Informació al Consumidor - Espai Consum Responsable
List of points shown on the map
Adreça: Palau Foronda (Ronda de Sant Pau 43-45)
Districte: Eixample
Codi postal: 08015
Població: Barcelona