Disposable income up in Barcelona households

Disposable income levels in Barcelona households rose by 10.6% in the final quarter of 2023 compared to the same period last year, according to the quarterly report from the Municipal Data Office. The year-on-year rate is 12.2%, over 7% above the figure for 2022 (4.8%).

14/04/2024 - 09:33 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

According to the report, primary income, which does not take into account the public sector, also shows a positive trend of almost 5% above the rate from the previous year (7.4%).

Paid salaries rose by 7.5% and social benefits were up by 8.5%, representing similar figures to the previous year. Mixed incomes (professional incomes and incomes from property) rose by a higher rate (16%). Half of income came from paid work (50.7%), followed by mixed incomes (30.4%) and social benefits (18.9%).

Nominal disposable income surpassed the level from 2019 by 22%, even though the rise in spending power in households was more moderate, at just 5% above pre-pandemic levels, owing to high inflation.