30 years on from the closing ceremony of the Barcelona Olympic Games
The Tricicle theatre company presented the show Una cursa insòlita (An Unusual Race), a humorous look at the adventures of a group of marathon runners on the track at the Olympic Stadium. Thirty runners participated, and the group performed different numbers and gags to the sounds of fanfare music from Josep Maria Bardagí.
Also, the Real Escuela del Arte Ecuestre of Jerez de la Frontera presented a balletic display by Andalusian horses with music by Joaquín Rodrigo.
The second part of the show started off with greetings from 15,000 sportsmen and women who had taken part in the Games, together with a parade of the flags of the participating countries and music both composed and directed by Carles Santos.
The flags of Greece, Spain and the United States were then raised, representing the origin of the Olympic Games, the country that was saying goodbye to the Games, and the one that was to be the venue for the next edition. Meanwhile, on the main stage, speeches were made by the President of the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Organising Committee, the city’s mayor, Pasqual Maragall, and the President of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Joan Antoni Samaranch. Finally, there was a big thank you to all those who were involved in the Games, and to round off the ceremony the IOC called on everyone to take part in the next edition.
Once the Games were officially closed, the future venue was presented, Atlanta ‘96. This was followed by Carlos Santos’ Olympic fanfare, with 80 musicians all wearing costumes inspired by Salvador Dalí, and the Olympic flag was presented to the US delegation.
Lastly, the third part of the event consisted of a huge party where popular songs such as “Amigos para Siempre” and “Gitana Hechicera” were played. However, this was not the end of the Barcelona Olympics. There was still another very important date on the city’s calendar: the Paralympic Games that took place from 3 to 14 September that same year.