Barcelona Cultura

At present


Nit dels Museus 2017. La nit de Barcelona i el correu

Per segon any consecutiu tornem a participar en la 10a edició de la Nit dels Museus, organitzada per l’Institut de Cultura de Barcelona.

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We are working to improve the service

This website is a project in constant evolution and improvement. If you like the world of philately and history, we will surprise you periodically with new proposals and ideas.

Working procedure

Would you like to know how an ordinary day of working with the philatelic documentation is? All the steps followed in this process are presented below. Go in to find out.

We are progressing with the documentation of the collection.

At the moment we are documenting the stamps from the former Yugoslavia. To this day we have documented the 36% of Ramon Marull’s philatelic collection. Information about the progress made in the work will be...

Did you know?

On July this year took place the 150th Anniversary of the birth of the painter Gustav Klimt. Following these lines there are a series of stamps about the most acknowledged painters of Austria.