
Fiesta de inauguración del tranvía entre Glòries y Verdaguer

El 9 de noviembre celebraremos la llegada del tranvía entre Glòries y Verdaguer. Entre las 10.30 y las 14.00 horas, en la avenida Diagonal, entre las calles del Bruc y de Girona.

ATM website

Latest news

Approval to redevelop the layout of the Trambesòs

31/01/2025 - 12:54h

Mobility and transport. Changes will be made to the section of Gran Via between Glòries and Rambla del Poblenou.

El tramvia que uneix les Glòries amb Verdaguer travessa la plaça de Jacint Verdaguer.

Tram system now carrying passengers between Glòries and Verdaguer

10/11/2024 - 12:58h

Mobility and transport. The new section connects the Besòs with L’Eixample and should eliminate around 2,000 cars a day from Av. Diagonal.

Reurbanisation project ready for the second stage of the tram connection

01/08/2024 - 12:39h

Mobility and transport. The project allows for further steps in the process to connect the Trambaix and Trambesòs systems.

avinguda diagonal

More space for pedestrians and sustainable transport with the remodelled Av. Diagonal

15/07/2024 - 19:07h

Urban planning and infrastructures. The section between C/ Los Castillejos and Pg. Sant Joan has been transformed.


Several aspects of the tramway's connection process

Senyalització semafòrica
Barcelona City Council has now finalised the procedures to start connecting the tram systems, with work to get under way during the week of 7 March 2022.
Transport public a la Diagonal
The unification of the tram system will improve links between various city neighbourhoods and connect Barcelona with its eight neighbouring municipalities. The tram plays a key part in combating pollution caused by motor vehicles.
Tramvies aturats en una parada
The current tramway network has a total of six lines, 41 vehicles, 56 stops and covers 29.22 km, and it enables more than 26 million users to get around.
Ciutadà intervé en una sessió participativa
See an analysis of the different options for connecting the tram systems and their impact, based on advance studies, as well as a technical report from a micro-simulation on circulation, gauging the flow of the rest of public transport and private vehicles once the tram systems are connected.

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Pictures of the tramway in Barcelona

Carroussel Tramvia 03
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