Barcelona City Council provides services for the following administrative procedures and documents:

Residents register

What is it?

This document will enable you to become a Barcelona resident.

Who can request it?

Everybody, whether they have a residence permit or not, has to register.

What is it for?

This is because you need to show you are a resident when going through the immigration procedures and to gain access to public services (education, health, etc.)

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Settlement report

What is it?

A document that certifies time of permanence in Spain, family ties, means of financial support and fulfilment of integration programmes, among other issues.

Who can request it?

All non-EU citizens over the age of 16 who are registered in the Municipal Register of Inhabitants of Barcelona and can give proof of (continuous) residence in Spain for more than three years can request the Settlement Report if they are in irregular administrative situation, have a Student permit, or have a permit for International protection purposes.

What is it for?

To request a temporary residence permit based on social settlement, when there are no family ties, or when evidence of family ties with a residence permit cannot be provided.


Neighbourhood document brochure

What is it?

A document that certifies settlement in the city for foreign nationals with irregular administrative status who have been registered in the city of Barcelona for at least 6 months and have lived in Spain for 1 year.

What is it for?

It may be useful when involved in procedures related to internment in CIE centres or in cases of expulsion.


Housing availability report

What is it?

This report certifies that a resident has appropriate housing and meets habitation requirements regulated by Act 14/2012 (DOGC of 2 November 2012).

What is it for?

The housing availability report is required when applying for family reunification.

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Appointment to access to the SAIER

Who can request it?

For a first visit with the Care Service for Migrants and Refugees SAIER, it is necessary to get an appointment.

Initial reception certificate

It’s a document that certifies participation on the First Reception Service. This service is provided by the Catalan Government in collaboration with Municipalities and consists of a number of initial training and information activities especially designed for foreigners.

What is it for?

The Reception Certificate could be used in some legal immigration procedures.

Who can request it?

Immigrants, refugees and returnees that complete all the modules of the training.


Barcelona City Council can act as a channel or facilitate the circuit for the following administrative procedures and documents:

Application for international protection

What is it?

It provides support and temporary authorisation to live in Spain for foreign nationals, regardless of refugee status, who have grounded fears of suffering persecution in their country for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political views or for belonging to specific social groups, of gender or sexual orientation.

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Application for spanish nationality

Health card

What is it?

It’s a magnetic card that incorporates the CIP (user's personal identification code for the Catalan Healthcare Service) and the user's healthcare coverage benefits.

What is it for?

It identifies users so they can access healthcare services within the Catalan Healthcare Service, and pharmaceutical benefits.


Driving licence

What is it?

This procedure grants a Spanish driving license in exchange for the license obtained in the country of origin, only when they are a member of the European Union or when there are exchange agreements between countries.


Validation of foreign academic diplomas

Social integration report

What is it?

This report is a general assessment of integration efforts achieved by the applicant during his or her stay in the country.

What is it for?

It is necessary when foreign nationals do not meet some requirements for the renewal of temporary residence and work permits.

Who can request it?

Non-EU citizens registered in the municipal Register of Inhabitants of Barcelona who need to renovate or modify their temporary residence permit but do not comply with all requirements.
