18/04/2021 - 11:59

Candidates for the post of Ombudsperson reach the citizen support stage

City Council. Between now and 19 May, city residents can back their preferred candidate using the Decidim.Barcelona platform.

22/03/2021 - 14:20

Decisive stage for participatory budgets

Participation. Between now and 5 April, citizens will prioritise the two hundred investment proposals to move onto the final voting stage.

10/02/2021 - 12:32

First participatory budgets reactivated and adapted to the new reality caused by Covid-19

Participation. The programme for the different stages has had to be adapted, with adjustments also needed to the funds available and some aspects of the regulations for the process.

26/01/2021 - 16:23

The Municipal Advisory Board for Barcelona Universities calls for on-site sessions to resume as soon as possible

Education. As a community, the body expresses its concern over the difficulties and consequences posed by the reduction in on-site activity at university campuses owing to the pandemic,

18/01/2021 - 15:51

The election process for the Barcelona Ombudsperson gets under way

Participation. The process starts with a two-month stage for candidates to be put forward.

26/11/2020 - 21:37

An extraordinary PAM to respond to the pandemic and relaunch the city

PAM. Robust proposals to lead the recovery and set out a fairer and more sustainable economic model.

01/09/2020 - 10:08

The call for entries for the 12th Barcelona Municipal Immigration Council awards opens

Citizenship Rights. Entries have up to 23 October 2020 to be submitted.

29/09/2021 - 10:59

All of the voices at the Decidim Fest 21

Decidim Fest 2021 adopts a 360-degree perspective to address different visions of technology, citizen participation and democracy. The speakers have now been announced!

16/09/2021 - 17:27

Decidim Fest 2021: First confirmed speakers!

First names of the participants of Decidim Fest 2021, Democracy, Technology and Global Justice

26/07/2021 - 15:55

Individuals and organisations can now make content proposals for DecidimFest 2021

Technology. DecidimFest, the festival that reflects on democracy and technology, is being held on 20, 21 and 22 October 2021, under the slogan “Democracy, technology and global justice”. it will use a mixed format, with some online...