
Ciutadans passejant pel nou eix verd de Consell de Cent

New plan agreed for improvements to green streets in L’Eixample

Urban planning. The consensus is the result of work carried out with 18 local organisations in recent months.


Competition to replace tactical urban planning in Sant Antoni resolved

Urban planning and infrastructures. The proposal includes the design of the areas of Comte Borrell – Parliament and Rocafort – Tamarit.


Selective waste collection returns to Consell de Cent

Waste. The process will be completed in stages, starting with the section between the streets of Vilamarí and Comte Borrell.


Operation to guarantee coexistence in L’Eixample this summer

Coexistence. The main places where measures are being applied are the streets of Enric Granados and Consell de Cent.


Summer works to improve mobility by bike, metro and tram

Urban planning and infrastructures. Forty-seven sets of urban work will be carried out over the summer.

Ciutadans passejant pel nou eix verd de Consell de Cent

How will waste collections and loading/unloading work in the new green streets?

Green hubs. A team of information staff are currently visiting shops and businesses to explain how commercial waste collections and loading and unloading will work.

render Via Laietana

Administrative steps completed to renew more sections of Via Laietana and Av. Meridiana

Urban planning. Definitive approval at the commission stage for the two final projects to continue the current remodelling project during the next term of office.

Jornades Internacionals Superilla Barcelona

Europe’s main cities meet in Barcelona to drive the green transformation

Barcelona Superblock. Cities such as Paris, London and Milan have signed an agreement at the Barcelona Superblock meeting.


Work to connect the tram systems moves forward at a good pace

Urban planning. The first shelters for the future Sicília stop have been installed and welding has now started to fix the tracks in their definitive place.


Come along to the “Experience the superblock” citizen festival!

The Barcelona International Superblock Day Events will conclude on Saturday, 25 March, from 10 am to 7 pm, with a citizen celebration including music, workshops, children’s games and several animation events and activities!
