Collection Development Policy

Biblioteques de Barcelona manages and coordinates the city’s network public libraries. The collection's comprehensive-management criteria are found in the Collection Development Policy, a document that establishes the selection, acquisition, maintenance, dissemination and assessment policy for  the collections. The policies must be continually renewed and adapted to users’ needs, to emerging new formats, and to the various social and cultural realities coexisting in the city.

The collections should reflect a balance of the materials and subjects represented, as well as the  topicality, diversity and appropriateness of the contents based on rigour and general interest.

The Biblioteques de Barcelona collection is based on the idea of a unique local collection and the complementarity of its collections based on thematic specialisations. Its purpose is to meet the information, educational and recreational needs of users, encouraging independence and skills acquisition.

The collection development policies are aimed at professionals,  library users and city residents in general.

Imatge de  la Política de desenvolupament de la col•lecció