Drought warning:

alert stage of the drought protocol activated.

Safe mobility

The modification of the Traffic Ordinance promotes greater road safety, and establishes penalties of up to €500 for non-compliance.

Return to list of elements
  • Safe mobility Go to content

    The modification of the Traffic Ordinance promotes greater road safety, and establishes penalties of up to €500 for non-compliance.

  • Pla Clima Go to content

    It's the roadmap for making Barcelona a climate-neutral city well adapted to climate change by 2030.

  • Social housing stock grows Go to content

    Barcelona City Council is handing over 76 social rental flats in a new development in Sant Martí.

  • Architecture Weeks 2025 Go to content

    Until January 20, 2025, the call will be open for city entities to collaborate in the 2025 edition with activity proposals aimed at all audiences.

  • Hivernacle is back Go to content

    After being closed for a period due to renovations, the Hivernacle opens its doors to citizenship.

  • More investment in the Pla Endreça Go to content

    A project for the whole term of office which is based around eight spheres of action and has a budget of 550 million euros for 2024.

  • La Nova Rambla Go to content

    Visit the website of La Nova Rambla and discover the secrets of its transformation!

  • Transport Arrangements on Montjuïc - FCBarcelona Go to content

    Special transport arrangements for FCBarcelona matchdays on Montjuïc

  • The best nature areas Go to content

    City residents must be involved if public space is to properly used and Barcelona co-responsibly enjoyed and experienced.

  • Barcelona Heritage City Go to content

    This new website aims at bringing cultural heritage closer to citizens and convey the importance of caring for and preserving it.

  • La Ciutadella Knowledge Hub Go to content

    A scientific and urban development project that will turn the Parc de la Ciutadella and its surroundings into a leading European hub for knowledge, and innovation.

  • Smoke-free beaches Go to content

    Ban on smoking in all the Barcelona beaches, except in beach bars and promenades.

    http://img.youtube.com/vi/qutd7vte_l4/0.jpg qutd7vte_l4
  • Agenda + Sustainable Go to content

    A monthly publication for those in sustainability activities: workshops, talks, interactive games ...

  • Oficina 22@ Go to content

    The Office is a support point for individuals and businesses to facilitate the urban renewal process and economic development in the area.

  • Green point user card Go to content

    The card will allow you to get up to a 14% discount on waste-related fees. Use it, you will win!

  • Biodiversity Atlas Go to content

    The Atlas is a set of maps revealing some of the most relevant data on Barcelona’s biodiversity.


Boca sud del túnel de la Rovira

Restrictions at the Túnel de la Rovira to improve safety

11/03/2025 - 18:32 h

Mobility. The tunnel is being renewed to improve its safety and energy efficiency.

Panoràmica de Barcelona des de Collserola

Urban regeneration projects get 175 million euros from Europe

06/03/2025 - 20:01 h

Economy. A loan has been agreed to fund urban regeneration projects and climate action in the city.

Foto de família a l'acte d'entrega de les certificacions Biosphere

Destination Barcelona gains in tourist sustainability

06/03/2025 - 13:42 h

Tourism. The number of Biosphere certifications reaches a record figure of 1,141 seals awarded.

Tools and Resources

Urban Planning
Technical Prescriptions for Public Space
Main Projects
Electronic submission of Building Permits
Procedures and Activities Census
Licensing Procedures
Public Art website
Bicycle lane network
Connected Tramway
Check Vehicle Restrictions
Parks and Gardens
Bathing and beaches
Urban Tree's Browser
Garden Pests and Diseases Management
Waste Browser
Green Points Network
Household waste collection
Environmental Maps
Energy Calculator
Biodiversity Atlas
Fee for the collection of municipal waste from private homes