More funding for projects in Cooperation and Education for Global Justice
The call for subsidies in Cooperation and Education for Global Justice offers 8.11 million euros for 102 projects, some 4.51% more than last year. Over half the projects put forward were accepted, with a notable volume of initiatives in women’s autonomy and leadership in the economic and political sphere, energy and food poverty and environmental justice.

This year saw 8.11 million euros awarded in subsidies for projects in Cooperation and Education for Global Justice, some 4.51% more than last year’s figure of 7.7 million. The budget for the subsidy call by the Directorate for Human Rights, Global Justice and International Cooperation will fund 102 projects out of the 203 put forward in this edition, equating to 74.11% of the overall budget for the directorate for 2024.
The area with the most projects put forward was Education for Global Justice, with 49 projects, followed by International Cooperation for Global Justice, with 37, and the International Cooperation Programme for Specific Cities, with 16.
In the Cooperation for Global Justice Programme, this year’s edition again stands out for the volume of projects presented in the category for the promotion of Gender Justice, with 27 projects presented and 13 securing funding, 4 of them aimed at the defence of the LGBTIQ+ collective.
Projects in the Cooperation for Global Justice in Specific Cities Programme to receive municipal funding this year include: projects for strengthening women’s autonomy and leadership in the political sphere in various cities, energy and food poverty, and environmental justice. The geographical area attracting the largest budget is Latin America with 39%, followed by sub-Saharan Africa with 39% and the Mediterranean with 29%.
As for the Education for Global Justice Programme, municipal funding will go to initiatives in human rights awareness, gender justice, borders and the construction of peace. Regarding learning services, funding for projects for a culture of peace, food sovereignty, gender justice and ethical and solidarity finance will also receive subsidies. Similarly, there will be funding for denouncement and citizen mobilisation projects in the sphere of public ethics, and for initiatives promoting environmental justice in the context of the global climate emergency, plus others linked to environmental rights violations, shelter and tourism.