Table for the promotion of the 2030 Agenda in the city
It is a working group of the Municipal Council Assembly, created to promote the 2030 Agenda among the city’s social and commercial stakeholders, and to monitor the evolution of the targets set by the municipal government to achieve the SDGs in Barcelona.
Its functions are as follows:
- To reflect on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in the city and to issue corresponding recommendations.
- To promote initiatives that help with the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
- To propose content and, where necessary, take part in annual 2030 Agenda meetings in Barcelona.
Chair: Laia Bonet Rull, Deputy Mayor for the 2030 Agenda, Digital Transition, Sports and Territorial and Metropolitan Coordination.
Vice chairperson: Miquel Rodríguez Planas, Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda
- Barcelona Chamber of Commerce
- Formació i Treball Foundation
- Catalan Confederation of Cooperatives (CCC)
- Solidarity Economy Network
- Fira de Barcelona Barcelona Trade Fair
- Zona Franca Consortium
- Cercle d’Economia
- Taula d'Entitats del Tercer Sector (Third Social Sector Board)
- ECAS. Catalan Entities for Social Action
- Càritas Barcelona
- Red Cross Barcelona
- FEICAT – Catalan Federation of Labour Integration Companies
- COCARMI (Catalan Committee of Representatives of People with Disabilities)
- Jaume Bofill Foundation
- CIDOB Foundation – Cities programme
- Association of Economists
- Association of Environmentalists
- Catalan Architects’ Association (COAC)
- AMETIC (Multi-sectoral Association of Information and Communication Technologies Companies)
- UNICEF – Catalonia Committee
- ANUE – United Nations Association Spain
- Barcelona Metropolitan Strategic Plan (PEMB)
- Barcelona Logistics Centre
- Barcelona Ombudsman’s Office
- Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council
- Barcelona Youth Council
- International Olof Palme Foundation
- BCN Vocational Training Foundation
- Barcelona Board of Associations (CAB)
- ERC Municipal Group
- Barcelona en Comú Municipal Group
- Junts per Catalunya Municipal Group
- Ciutadans Municipal Group
- Barcelona pel canvi Municipal Group
- Partit Popular Municipal Group
Secretary: Technical Programming Office/Office of the Commissioner of the 2030 Agenda
Meetings: The Commission meets on average twice a year. You can request the minutes of the meetings at