New digital advice service for families with little ICT knowledge

A new pilot initiative is under way to offer mentoring and digital advice to families with children and teenagers of school age, and who have little ICT knowledge. The FADes project (Digitally Advised Families) makes a team of four digital advisors available to the school community, either in person or online, to help families resolve any doubts relating to online schooling and to get to grips with the different environments and learning tools used in the classroom, providing them with support in connecting to schools remotely.

20/12/2020 - 10:21 h - Inclusion Ajuntament de Barcelona

Dubbed ‘FADes’(fairies), the advisors have digital and training skills, as well as communication skills to ensure the service reaches everybody. Between them they speak Catalan, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Amazigh, English and French.

The advisors are available in the mornings and afternoons on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, as well as at weekends. They provide service online, and also in person at the fab labs of Ciutat Meridiana, in Nou Barris, and the Fàbrica del Sol, in Ciutat Vella.

The project is the result of collaboration between the Commissioner’s Office for Digital Innovation and the Barcelona Education Consortium. It forms part of the municipal Shock Plan for Digital Inclusion.

Users can access the service with an appointment, by calling 652 453 830 or by emailing