Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

Until August by Gabriel García Márquez review – his abandoned last novel | THE GUARDIAN | 10/03/2024

Posthumosly published against the Latin American Nobel laureate'es wishes, this extramarital brisk and frisky tale is better than he feared.

France’s Biggest Literary Sensation Tells His Story - Again | THE NEW YORK TIMES | 03/03/2024

“Change,” Édouard Louis’s latest work of autofiction, retraces his trajectory from abject poverty to life as a cultured Parisian.

The Matrilineal Maze: On Adriana Riva’s “Salt” | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS |25/02/2024

Caroline Tracey traces mother-daughter strife in Adriana Riva’s recent novel “Salt.”

What Should You Read Next? Here Are the Best Reviewed Books of the Week | LITERARY HUB | 16/02/2024

Featuring New Titles by Kelly Link, Calvin Trillin, Diane Oliver, Ed Zwick, and More.

Here She Comes Now | VULTURE | 09/02/2024

The writer Lucy Sante always tried to keep a safe distance from herself and her own desires. Until, at 66, she broke free.

Leaving Me My Eyes: On Andrew Leland’s “The Country of the Blind” | LOS ANGELES REVIEW OF BOOKS | 03/02/2024

The Country of the Blind: A Memoir at the End of Sight by Andrew Leland.