Literary Radar

Articles, book reviews, literary critiques and journalistic reports around books on local and international media.

5 new books to read this week | THE INDEPENDENT | 27/07/2023

This week’s bookcase includes reviews of Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah and The List by Yomi Adegoke.

Briefly noted book reviews | NEW YORKER | 17/07/2023

“Fires in the Dark,” “A Madman’s Will,” “Elsewhere,” and “Snow Road Station.”

Crook Manifesto by Colson Whitehead review – a dazzling sequel to Harlem Shuffle | THE GUARDIAN | 12/07/2023

From bent cops to blaxploitation, this tale of corruption in 70s New York combines the energy of a crime thriller and the sharp wit of social satire.

The best recent science fiction, fantasy and horror – reviews roundup | THE GUARDIAN | 07/07/2023

The Centre by Ayesha Manazir Siddiqi; Ink Blood Sister Scribe by Emma Törzs; Silent City by Sarah Davis-Goff; Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia; Red Smoking Mirror by Nick Hunt.


June’s Best Reviewed Nonfiction | LITHUB | 30/06/2023

Michael Finkel’s The Art Thief, Jennifer Ackerman’s What An Owl Knows, and Sarah Viren’s To Name the Bigger Lie all feature among the best reviewed nonfiction titles of the month.

On Other Intelligences: A Conversation with Mashinka Firunts Hakopian | LARB | 19/06/2023

We met with Mashinka Firunts Hakopian to talk about her extraordinary new book, The Institute of Other Intelligences .