Reading Clubs

In Barcelona, there are conversation groups and reading clubs in many places and hold by many different organizations, so if you want to talk about the books you read but you don't know who with, take a look at the city's reading clubs network:
- Barcelona Libraries organise more than 80 reading clubs every year. Each club meets once a month in sessions lasting from 60 to 90 minutes led by experts. Check here where is the one closest to your home.
- Bookshops: here you'll find a list of clubs organised in the city’s bookshops, which sometimes include meeting the authors. Some of them are free of charge and others have a fee.
Ciutat Vella
- La caixa d'eines (adults, young adults and children)
- Laie
- La Impossible
- Jaimes (in French)
- La Central
- Más Bernat
- Casa del Libro
- Alibri
- Atzavara (short stories)
Sarrià-Sant Gervasi
- A peu, de pàgina (Adults and young adults)
- Casa Usher
- La inexplicable (for women, young adults and adults)
3. Other entities:
- Ateneu Barcelonès (Readig clubs and conversation groups)
- Meet up (books have a special category in it)
- EOI (in English)
- UB
- El Corte Inglés-Trivium
4. Virtual Reading Clubs:
- Què llegeixes? (for kids, young adults and adults)
- Goodreads (in English)

©Jordi Casañas