International literary residency
From June 2022, Barcelona has an international literary residency. The space chosen is Vil·la Joana, the old farmhouse located in the Collserola park where Jacint Verdaguer died on June 10, 1902.
The residence has three individual bedrooms with a private bathroom and work area, as well as several shared spaces, such as the kitchen-dining room, designed to promote the relationship between the authors who stay there. The environment in which the building is located, in the middle of the Collserola mountain range, offers a favourable environment for literary creation and research, and at the same time guarantees easy accessibility to the city.
With the incorporation of this equipment, Barcelona, UNESCO City of Literature, is integrated into an international writer exchange circuit with the rest of the cities in the network, which aims to promote the mobility of authors as a core element of the diffusion of the world literatures.
The Vil·la Joana literary residencies project includes several modalities:
- Writers from cities that are part of the UNESCO Cities of Literature Network.
- Translators, prioritising translations of works by Barcelona authors in particular or Catalan authors in general or works by foreign authors in which the city of Barcelona occupies a prominent place, even as a narrative space for fiction, or as the central theme of literary or cultural essays.
- Writers from other literary exchange programs with ICUB participation, with the aim of opening the doors to literary talent from everywhere.
It is expected that the space will always open its doors during the spring and summer months and that the stay of the creators will be one month per resident.
The residence includes a parallel program of activities linked to the literary network of the city and public facilities -such as libraries, museums, schools, and civic centres- in addition to the activities that will take place at the MUHBA Vil·la Joana.

Discover the experience of the authors through the set of interviews "Residence with..."
Bertol Arrieta: "Doing a literary residence is an incomparable luxury"
Marta Jordan: "I was going to Vil·la Joana to translate a work and I translated two!"
Julia Wong: "In Vil·la Joana, among wild boars and yellow butterflies, there is the best story you want to tell"
Aleksandra Orlić: "Barcelona is the perfect generator of images"
Caroline Brothers: "I am always impressed by the vitality and cultural daring of Barcelona"
Ellen Savage: "I will remember my stay at Vil·la Joana for a long time"
Lucy Hounsom: "The residency at Vil·la Joana has made me grow as a person"
Philipp Herold: "Vil·la Joana has been my first literary residence, and I have had a great experience"
Sabina Orozco: "Writing in Vil·la Joana has changed the way I read and create"
Pablo Berthely: "Vil·la Joana is a space that encourages creativity"
Violaine Bérot: "The most important thing for me in a residence is to be able to work in peace and in a natural environment"
Carolina Cobelo: "The residency was like a suspension of space-time in a dreamlike place"
Ellinor Broman: "I am planning to write an essay about Barcelona as a city of comics"
Alfie Lee: "A new environment can change your perspective and revitalise your creativity"
Simonas Bernotas: Literary inspiration in Barcelona: the experience of Simonas Bernotas
Simona Hamer: "Vil·la Joana provides the ideal setting for concentrated work"
Matthias Friedrich: "Verdaguer's continued popularity has been an absolute surprise"
Juan Andrés García Román: "Time dedicated solely to creating is an immense gift for any artist"
Marie Iljašenko: Marie Iljašenko, a creative immersion at Vil·la Joana
Eugenia Ladra: "Walking along the paths of Collserola has been a kind of practical rehearsal of my own writing"
Leonor Courtoisie: "A literary residency at Vil·la Joana amplifies the gaze and transforms the perception of time"
Albertina Soepboer: 'Keeping time', a story by Albertina Soepboer based on her literary residency in Vil·la Joana
Diego Recoba: "Vil·la Joana has provided me with fruitful solitude"