The IMI shares its digital transformation strategy and vision in a meeting with ICT professionals

During the meeting, the Barcelona Municipal Institute of Information Technology manager shared the Institute’s lines of strategy and its vision of digital transformation with ICT professionals.

20/06/2024 - 10:39 h - Smart City Ajuntament de Barcelona

The GrausTIC association organised a supper and discussion in Barcelona on Tuesday, 18 June, with the notable presence of Emili Rubió, manager of the Municipal Institute of Information Technology (IMI) at Barcelona City Council. Known as the “Dinar de GrausTIC”, the supper brought together some twenty professionals from the ICT sector to discuss the city’s digital transformation

During his speech, Rubió outlined the IMI’s new vision, internal organisation and strategy, centring on the City Council going digital to order and optimise technological municipal processes and establish new cooperation models with companies in the ICT sector and other administrations.

The discussion that followed enabled those attending to go into further detail on matters such as tech solutions for municipal priorities such as the Pla Endreça, the use of market apps in the cloud (SaaS) and the improvement of urban telecommunications. The session was used to reflect and put forward ideas about Barcelona’s technological future. It was also announced that an official presentation will be made in October to share the IMI’s new strategy with the entire technology sector as the Institute seeks to take the lead in the city’s digital transformation.

The Graus TIC association highlights the importance of these suppers and discussions to foster dialogue and reflection among professionals in this sector. In this respect, Emili Rubió expressed his appreciation for participating in such an enriching meeting and reaffirmed the IMI’s commitment to innovation and technological efficiency within Barcelona City Council.

The supper concluded with a consensus on the need to continue working together to drive the city’s and ensure that Barcelona maintains its leadership in the sphere of new technologies.