Preliminary information on tenders
Welcome to the Municipal Institute for Information Technology space for tenders.
Under the framework of transparency, integrity and good governance regarding the procurement of the services necessary for carrying out its activity, the Municipal Institute for Information Technology (IMI) seeks competition under equal conditions for tenders, so that all the ICT sector’s providers can have access to information on the IMI’s various general processes.
Preliminary information sessions will be planned on tenders falling outside the Framework Agreement before they are published on the contractor profile Open in a new window. You can register for these using the form available for each preliminary session. You will subsequently find all the documents with information on the services to be tendered for.
There will be no preliminary sessions based on the Framework Agreement for the time being, and you will find all the necessary information in the documents that are uploaded from time to time with the Framework Agreement’s main procurement indicators, the revised status of contracts already submitted and the dissemination of the publication of the next framework-based contracts.
Sessions calendar
Previous Sessions of Tenders
Preliminary Sessions Framework Agreement
Previous sessions
If you would like to receive information on upcoming sessions
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