Technological news compiled from 03/07/2023 to 13/09/2023

14/09/2023 - 14:42 h

In these days, we have gathered a series of information that we find relevant in the sector in which we operate. Some of them may affect the Mobile Services Office.


  • Summary of iOS 17 updates and the latest Apple keynote
  • Comparison between users of Android and Apple markets
  • Delay in the release of Android 14

Comparison between users of the Markets: Play Store has many more users, and App Store users are more “valuable.”

Apple claims to have 650 million users on the App Store, while Google says it has 2.5 billion on the Play Store. However, each Play Store user generates only $1.4 per month, whereas Play Store users generate $10.4.


Public Administrations allow taxes to be paid through Bizum

The Extremadura Regional Government and the Balearic Islands are the latest Autonomous Communities to implement this system.


“Me toca” (“It’s My Turn”), the Ministry of Equality’s app for household chore distribution

An app to balance time and household chore distribution


Wonderlust Updates – Apple’s Latest Keynote

Summary of the main updates from Apple’s latest keynote.


iOS 17 Imminent

Possible release date of iOS 17, main updates, and compatible iPhone models.


App Store – The list of APIs that need to declare their usage reasons is now available

Starting this fall, when a new application or update is uploaded to the App Store that uses an API listed here, it will be necessary to explain its usage if not in the manifest.


China is preparing to ban the use of the iPhone in government departments and agencies handling sensitive information

It has been confirmed that government agencies are already instructing their officials not to carry iPhones, and it appears that this ban would extend to state-owned companies and other organizations.


First Alternatives to the App Store Are Now Known

Apple is obliged to open its app ecosystem, but there are many reasons to believe that a third-party app store on iPhones and iPads will not pose a threat to Apple.


Delay in the Release of Android 14 Operating System

Security issues are delaying the release of the new Android version.
